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The Teamsters come to the aid of Disaster Victims in BC


Laval, December 3, 2021 – Teamsters Canada, Teamsters Joint Councils 36, 52, 90 and 91 will donate a total of $200,000 to the Canadian Red Cross for flood relief in British Columbia.

After devastating forest fires last September, British Columbia is now experiencing historic torrential rains that have literally flooded an entire portion of the province.

As a result, flooding, mudslides and landslides have paralyzed most major roads in southern British Columbia. In addition, weather conditions over the next few days could affect the work of emergency teams trying to rebuild destroyed roads and bridges.

“The victims need help, which is why the Teamsters Union is making this donation to the Canadian Red Cross,” said the President of Teamsters Canada, François Laporte. “It goes without saying that our thoughts are with our friends in British Columbia, whom we invite to be careful when traveling.”  

“The Teamsters have always responded to tragedies such as this one,” explained Stan Hennessy, president of Joint Council 36 and International Vice-President. “I also want to recognize the tireless and courageous work of the emergency teams who are doing a tremendous job on the ground.”

“We’re keeping our fingers crossed that the situation will improve in the coming days,” concludes François Laporte. “I will continue to monitor the situation closely with the International Vice-President Hennessy and the other Teamsters officers in British Columbia. »

Brother Craig McInnes, President of Joint Council 52 and International Vice President, also did not hesitate to help the people of British Columbia by donating $50,000 on behalf of the Teamsters in Ontario.

“When it’s time to help, the Teamsters are there,” he said.

The Teamsters Union invites its members, its local unions and the Canadian population to contribute to the Canadian Red Cross relief fund.

For more information :
Stéphane Lacroix
Director of Communications and Public Affairs
Teamsters Canada
Cell: 514-609-5101


Click here to read the full article. 

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“I look after a lot of members in a very big plant. For years I had to fight for them by myself with no help at all from any of the Union’s representatives or Officers. This changed completely once Bobby, Bob and Paul were in office. Now I have access to my reps 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!  They’re always there to back me up.” 

- Darrell Lawres – Chief Shop Steward. Saputo, Sperling

“They have demonstrated the dedication and leadership that
our Local requires. They have always provided sound counsel, support, and frank
discussion on matters involving the members, contract negotiations and our

- Bruce Tillapaugh –Shop Steward. Island Farms, Victoria

"I was there when we brought the Union in. The first-time contract they won for us was unbelievable. It changed the quality of my life. I am now a Shop Steward and enjoy working with my Union and looking after my fellow workers. "

- Paul Landrecht - Shop Steward. Island Farms Dairy.