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Stand! Movie Opens Across Canada Friday, November 29th

Based on a true story, the movie Stand! is the result of the collaboration between the movie’s producers, the labour movement in North America and the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. Stand! gives viewers a glimpse into the six-week long Winnipeg General Strike of 1919, when 30,000 workers walked off their jobs in hopes for better wages, safer working conditions and recognition of their unions. The movie has been called the "next Norma Rae".

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“They have demonstrated the dedication and leadership that
our Local requires. They have always provided sound counsel, support, and frank
discussion on matters involving the members, contract negotiations and our

- Bruce Tillapaugh –Shop Steward. Island Farms, Victoria
- Dave S

"I was employed for many years at a Teamster company that was shut down due to the economy. Because of my age, I was worried about starting over. Bobby, Bob and Paul not only negotiated a much better severance package than was in the contract, but they also went the extra mile and got me on at one of their other companies with an even better contract.They continued to help me even though it wasn't their job to."

- Armando Borean