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A Christmas Message from Local 464

As 2019 draws to its close, a quick couple of comments on the year that has just passed.

2019 was a year of celebration for Local 464, as we celebrated our milestone 100th year as a Teamster Local. Thank you to all who participated in some of the events of the 10 months!

Thank you to your Shop Stewards, many of whom put in so much extra time, out of their personal time, to assist their fellow Union Brethren through all kinds of travails. Please continue to show your support and kindness to your Stewards, as the job they perform for you is often thankless.

Thank you to our members, all rank and file, for your continued support and participation. We appreciate your willingness and openness when we need to reach out to discuss matters and concerns. You are all consummate professionals in your chosen professions. You make you look so good, it’s easy to be there for you!

And lastly, on a decidedly more sombre note, spare a thought to all of the members we lost over the past year. I have seen too many friends and colleagues fall in 2019, it is truly heartbreaking to have lost so many.

As you spend time with friends and loved ones over the coming weeks, and regardless of whether you celebrate Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Christmas, etc., please take the time to live in the moment, for these are the days we truly live for.

Work safe, play safe and get home to your loved ones at the end of the day.

On behalf of all of us at the 464 Office, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and much love and prosperity for you and your loved ones in 2020.



Paul Barton


News Archive



“They have demonstrated the dedication and leadership that
our Local requires. They have always provided sound counsel, support, and frank
discussion on matters involving the members, contract negotiations and our

- Bruce Tillapaugh –Shop Steward. Island Farms, Victoria

For 35 years I have been a Teamster and a Dairyworker, I was a young kid needing a job in tough economic times. I found a place to work and make a living, I learned to work together with others having varying and different backgrounds than my own.

Much has changed for me personally and professionally, I got married to my beautiful wife of almost 25 years and we have raised two amazing children, both of whom are presently studying abroad. Both of my children were recipients of Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Funding.

So much of my success I can credit to having a well paying union job. The Teamsters have been a great union for me, negotiating strong collective agreements that held good wage and benefit packages as well as the cornerstone beliefs of seniority and workers’ rights. The Teamsters gave me a good wage and a voice.

I have always been an active Teamster, and now I sit on Local 464's Executive Board.

There can be a great degree of personal feelings when the word union is mentioned, but so often I look at professional associations and realize the name may be different, but the thought is the same...strength in numbers.

As I get toward the end of my career, I look forward to the thought of receiving the Teamsters Canada Pension Plan, and I am so grateful for the belief others had before me that Teamsters deserved a good and decent retirement...thank you.


- Drew Speirs

"I was employed for many years at a Teamster company that was shut down due to the economy. Because of my age, I was worried about starting over. Bobby, Bob and Paul not only negotiated a much better severance package than was in the contract, but they also went the extra mile and got me on at one of their other companies with an even better contract.They continued to help me even though it wasn't their job to."

- Armando Borean