A message from a retiring 464 member:
Teamsters Local 464, in conjunction with Union Savings and Vubiz, are pleased to announce the availability of over 280 prepaid online training courses for Members and their friends and families.
The courses cover subjects from WHMIS 2015 to Back Safety to Basic Finance to Microsoft Office 2007 and 2010. The courses will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can take and retake any or all the courses. Be sure to take advantage of as many as possible. We are certain that you and your friends and family will find many courses that will address both your needs and interests.
Correspondence, including a full course list and password, has been mailed to all Member's. If you have not received this information by October 12th please contact our office for deatils.
Once you receive your password you can click here to begin your experience.
Complete instructions are available on the website. We hope that you enjoy the training and make the most of it. We are proud to be able to make this opportunity available.