"I was there when we brought the Union in. The first-time contract they won for us was unbelievable. It changed the quality of my life. I am now a Shop Steward and enjoy working with my Union and looking after my fellow workers. "
ISTS, the administering firm for the James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Fund, has opened up the application system for the 2019 academic and vocational/training scholarships. The application system is completely on-line. Academic scholarships, ranging from $1,000 to $10,000, will be awarded to high school seniors who are planning to attend a four-year college or university and who are sons, daughters or financial dependents of Teamster members.
Applications are also being accepted for Training and Vocational Program scholarships ranging from $500 to $1,000. These will be awarded to sons, daughters or financial dependent of Teamster members who plan to attend an accredited training or vocational non-baccalaureate program at a community college or other training institution. Programs must be related to a Teamster represented industry, class or craft.
The deadline for all applications is March 31, 2019.
Click here for more information.